
Cooking for 10

Yep, you guessed it. I cooked all day today...just about. I made my first paella for two freinds for lunch...then I had 9 friends over for: teriyaki stir fry, dang quesadillas, mashed potatoes, the rest of the paella, a chopped salad, vanilla ice cream with strawberries & homemade black and white chocolate chip cookies.

It was a good day. :-)

Oh, and I even was able to walk with two friends on the trial with Buster. It was so nice to walk and chat with them. I don't get to do that a lot anymore with one of them; and to see both of them talking about mommy stuff was pretty neat (they both have their first, little girls...one is almost one and the other is 1 1/2 yrs.).

Anyway, I'm exhausted! I still have to make my bed and I need to try to get to work early tomorrow.

Good Night! Oh, but it was a good day...:-)

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