
I have two friends...

...that I got to visit and sit awhile with today. Both are mothers and great friends. And today, though they may have had brunch or dinner with thier mom or friends, weren't appreciated enough today....so I got to go and sit with them and help them to feel good, like they help me to feel good all the time. It was a blessing and an honor for me to do it.

But what was the greatest part of the day was realizing what true love really is...what it looks like, what it feels like and how it breathes. From having my mom give me meaningful looks during church service this morning, to sitting and just chatting with a friend for two hours watching the birds and squirrels play in her back yard, to being with another friend and her family while her sister is giving her a manicure....there are so many types of love. And some of us choose to miss it because we can't see beyond our own noses. We worry so much about the littlest things. If we would just see the people for who they really are; if we can only see our friends as the wonderful, messed up, put-back-together human being that they are...we'd know that they have bad days and don't mean to hurt us when they do...we'd know how they truly loved us and wouldn't do anything intentional...we'd know that we couldn't expect them to be perfect or agree with us all the time (especially when we're doing something stupid and they aren't going to allow us to do it by caring enough to tell us so)...then we'd be able to see true love.

It's not just about a man and a woman...it's about how we treat each other as people, human beings, sisters and brothers in Christ.

It's the little moments and the little things the we do for each other; and it's puting aside your differences and seeing the person past the unfortunate moment.

That's what I saw today...that's what I learned today. I have a bunch of friends ad most have been with me for awhile. But there are times where all I can see are their differences from me...and that can tend to make me a negative person. But if people weren't different than us, we'd all be the same and then how could we help each other or compliment each other (not in the self-absorbed version of the word, the meaning that helps us make each other better) or love each other?

Today, I was with two very different friends, very different than me and than each other. And both talked to each other over the phone in my presence...it was what I'm going to term "one of my life-circles" in my life cycle. It's the link between a friend I met five or six years ago, through me, to a group that I was involved in that the other friend attended for awhile, and made a friend connection with my old friend. It's a little life-circle. And I have many that I'm part of...that I'm blessed to be a part of.

So though I'm not a mother yet, or a wife or even a girlfriend again, I witnessed my own little miracle today. Though it wasn't my child, we are all God's and we're a miracle in ourselves.

Love you ladies...I mean it. :-)

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