

As I get ready for bed late tonight, I can't help but think about tomorrow's schedule. I am participating in Hoosiers Outrun Cancer. Dave and I along with a few other friends will be walking it in support of cancer research and cures.

Now though, I have thoughts of my stepdad's success against it...my grandmother's success and now reappearance of it...and my grandfather's continuing 8 year fight against it. Cancer has invaded my family; it is close to my heart. It is also hard to deal with or acknowledge...except for times like tonight, when I can't help but think of the battle that my family is waging against it...or has waged against it. When I let myself, I remember Thanksgiving 2003 when mom and I almost lost Dave. Had it not been for my mom's excellent nursing skills and staunch determination and avid prayer, my stepdad would not be here today.

I was talking to a friend last night...and during the conversation it dawned on me that some people just don't understand something so serious as cancer or car accidents unless they are directly affected or experience it. It just isn't easy at all. Even with faith and miracle healings, it is still not easy to handle before, during or afterward. It's ugly, hurtful, depressing and draining...it consumes your life. But as much as you may want that person or persons to understand it like you do, you just couldn't wish the same on them. You don't want them to know what you know firsthand...you just wouldn't wish that on your worst enemy, as the cliche goes.

I know I'm rambling a little but I am getting to my point: we just don't know what is around the corner, who will be in our lives for awhile/for a season, we don't have the same experiences. As I was reflecting about tomorrow's walk these thoughts occured to me...and then I realized that Nike is smarter than they realize: Life is short. We need to play hard in this life...live it to the fullest...take the risks and the chances God asks us to...obey His calling...and put ourselves in someone else's shoes so as not to judge them unfairly...but to know how to love them more.

Yes, my family has been affected by a disease with no real cure. But we have survived the hardship; and we will keep fighting, play hard. And tomorrow, though it's only 3.1 miles, we will walk to show our resiliance and our fight against a disease that may invade our bodies, but not our souls.

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