
Post 107: New Beginnings

I have made a bold decision today: I sent an e-mail to a new friend about a situation that is on my heart. It has nothing to do with her specifically but she needed to know about it. I haven't heard back yet, and though there is a possibility that she will be surprised at my candidness, I'm not worried about her response. She knows that I find her to be a good friend of mine and don't mean any harm to her. And, in the e-mail that I responded to, she sent me this encouraging verse:

"Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him." Isaiah 64:4.

How true the above is. But I sometimes think that all I'm ever doing is waiting. Don't you feel that way sometimes? To truly have faith in Him and to trust Him means that I have to wait more and worry less. We all worry way too much. I'm a big worrier. I try not to be and I am learning to be better and letting go. But, let's face it: sometimes we want to worry so it makes us feel like we're doing something. And why do we feel the need to always do something? Can't we let God do the work for us? It would make our lives so much simpler if we never ever knew what the word worry meant. If that word never ever existed, I'm convinced that we'd all be much healthier and live so much better. But we feel the need to worry about everything, even the miniscule stuff. You know, I really like the saying, "Don't sweat the small stuff; and it's all small stuff." It's one of the truest statements I've ever heard. It's all small stuff.

So, while I'm waiting for God to answer me in some of the issues I'm having right now, I'm trying not to sweat the small stuff. Going back to Isaiah 64:4, God is going to act in my life. I don't know in what way or when but He will do everything to my benefit - even if it means going through this heartbrokenness, being embarrased by my feelings and "wearing my heart on my sleeve." I know that I'm growing and that I've been growing a lot in the last year. I can't handle keeping things so locked up anymore; and though it may cause me a bit of grief to let them out, it's pressure released and a more centered me.

And, boy, do I feel so much better. :-)


Heartache reborn...but mending

I give myself enough heartache to last through seven lifetimes. I jump to conclusions and allow myself to feel like I'm the worst person in the world and that no one should ever be able to call me their friend. I don't feel I deserve them more than half the time. It gets hard and lonely and you sometimes would rather be alone - this is coming from a bonafide extravert. Or am I really an introvert who's covering as an extrovert? In either case, I don't think I'm happy sometimes unless I'm unhappy. Wow...that really may be true. Can I come to your couch, Dr. Phil? I think I need therapy.

Actually, I think we all do - need a little therapy. It isn't wrong or shameful. We live in a world that needs openness but it is nowhere to be found. Instead we're taught to keep it inside and not show it. You see, it might make us look vulnerable and we just can't have that now, can we? We'd create a ripple in the circle of life so great that it would crumble the foundation this planet is built on - or so society would tell you.

But really, that's all nonsense. What's killing us is this very idea. The more we keep things inside, the more we crack the foundation. See, when you bottle something up too long, it starts building this pressure up and...eventually...there's too much pressure and we explode as violently as the volcano that covered that ancient city of Pompeii years ago. It's destructive and violent and squeezes every ounce of life from your body, mind and soul. It's like a rat chewing through a shoestring. It has no nutritional value but it's something to chew. It won't feed him but it will give him something to do. And that's so harmful.

That's the kind of world that we live in - but we can do something about it. I can do something about it. So though I'm a bit heartbroken, and maybe from something that I shouldn't be, I can choose to move on. We all have a choice. I even had a choice tonight in where I put these thoughts. I could use a journal, start a new story or type it on my blog - which is obviously the one I felt was the best tonight. I also chose who to speak these thoughts to; I opened myself up to whomever should find my little piece of the internet. And I'm choosing how to word it so as to be real and not fake.

And I choose to get over this feeling that has been eating me for the past, well, exactly 24 hours. I'm putting it aside - I'm not hiding it. I am so very, very lucky - why? Because I have friends who know when I'm hiding and will call me out. They won't let me berate myself or think badly of myself. They remind me that I'm beautiful - and yes, I need to be reminded that I am beautiful. I have issues, man. That is one of them. Am I pretty enough? Am I smart enough? Am I fit enough? Am I funny enough? Am I strong enough? Am I vulnerable enough? These are the issues of a 30 year old woman who has never had a boyfriend, a career that satisfies her and wonders if she's living at all; a woman who's friends know her better than she knows herself. And so, sometimes, I have to be reminded that I'm beautiful just being slightly psychotic, mostly self-conscious, petite, brunette, hazel-eyed, fun-loving and worrisome me.

Tonight, I am going to bed not changed or reborn or even knowing if I'm going to feel better or worse in the morning. No...I'm going to bed a completely messed up person who may never be perfect or understand why God created her, but she knows tomorrow is another day and God has already forgiven her for everything she's going to do wrong. She knows that His days are a new life into itself.

So, tomorrow is a new life for me. Will I be a writer? A caterer? A dancer? A sportscaster? A business owner? A wife? A mother? Really, I have no clue...until I wake up on the other side of this night. But no matter where tomorrow takes me, I have the knowledge that I'm alive. A little heartbroken...but mending.


Post 105: All about sex, er...the sexes

So I have a new friend. She and I have found that we have close to the same experiences with men. In fact in the last few months we've both been propositioned by these amazingly hot guys. Okay, so on one hand it's nice to know that you're desirable to someone of the opposite sex that God has gifted with outward beauty. On the other hand, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! You don't even know me, I don't know you, where you have been or who you have been with. It's so gross to me that society thinks its okay to sleep around. Even with AIDS and all these incurable STD's, people think that a condom or birth control will save them. It won't. Trust me - I may not know from personal experience but I know lots of people that can vouch for my statement - and a lot of them are in the medical profession, too.

My friend and I, along with most or all of our other women friends, want to be desired not only for our outward beauty but mostly for our inward beauty: our strength, morals, values, heart. There's more to life than sex. And while I'll admit that I hope to have it one day with my husband (lots and lots), it's not something to take lightly. And it's not only for pleasure. It's also to create something so beautiful and amazing. God truly has given us an incredible and undeserving gift to make a life. How can you make that gift so dirty?

So, though I was flattered (sort of) to be hit on by two very hot guys (they were twins, too - you know, the dirty blonde, surfer types with the biceps and abs that go on forever - okay, I'm overheating now; oh no, and now I'm thinking of Paul Walker. Ok, I'm spiralling to the bad place - I need to finish this now), I made the right decision to walk away. I didn't let the conversation go any farther and I know I'm strong enough to look a very attractive guy straight in the eyes and say, "No" and mean it, if it comes to that. Still, it was nice to flirt and I found that I'm not so bad at it as I thought. I just have to be careful with who I'm flirting with - I don't really want to get the kind of response that puts me in this type of situation. But the view was very, very nice. :-)

To conclude, us good girls know when we've found a good guy so we're willing to wait (even into our 30's) for him. He'll be worth it because he'll be sent from God. To me, that's all that matters. It helps that he's hot, though. What! I'm being honest. What I think is hot is not what my friends think is hot so it's okay to say that. I'm not vain, just honest.

K. I better go before I get myself into anymore trouble. :-)


Post 104: Still talking...

Yep, as you have guessed, I have predictably kept on keeping on...with my blog, that is. :-)

Ay yi yi! Sometimes I wonder about myself. I just can't stop talking or writing. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing but I know that it's part of who I am so I've come to accept it; and I'm sure my friends have too - the wonderful people that they are. :-)

So, I have something to say to anyone who is reading this: don't give up on your dreams!
I may be in debt and not where I want to be but I am being true to myself. I'm not quitting. I'm keeping my faith and pursuing every avenue that God has in front of me. The one that succeeds will be the one that He wants for me. I've prayed a lot about it and that's really what He is telling me. I haven't given up on my writing career; or on my love of entertaining people. I have been sidetracked, however, and I see that now. Discipline has been absent in certain areas of my life. It is discipline that I need to focus on. And that may mean making some people upset with me or will hurt their feelings. But I have to do what is best for me sometimes - and that means others may be disappointed. I have learned that I can't control people's feelings; I can only be honest with them and hope that they can see that it's the best decision.

I need to leave the studio - for good. At least, in the capacity that I have been in. I need the money but I need the time more. Monetarily, I can cut out things from my life that I don't really need. I can save money better and can focus on using it for better purposes.

There are a lot of I's in this blog; that's because I'm convinced that I haven't been pulling my own weight enough. I need to be the one to follow through; no one else can do it for me.

Another piece of advice: find time to relax; don't over work yourself!
I come from a family that over works every day of their lives. It isn't healthy and it doesn't make things any better; even if you need the money. After awhile, it drags you down and can even give you health problems. Even if you love your job, take a vacation at least one week a year - even if you don't get paid for it, like me now. Though my vacation was pretty hectic, it was a much needed break. I did refuel a bit because I was around different people for awhile. For me, it was partly the choice of place that I went on vacation that made it hectic and not as soothing as it could've been. But it was still nice and a good change in routine for me. Please, take a vacation when you know you need it; even if it's only for a weekend, it will do wonders for mind, body and soul.

I'm on a roll here so I'm going to keep going.

Advice number 3: Thank your friends for being your friends.
Seriously, sometimes we forget how important they are and don't really thank them enough. Remember, there is a reason why we have them: they're the ones that can handle us and will hang out with us when no one else wants to. So, say thank you in some way for them being your friend and accepting you for who you are - even if sometimes you annoy them, too. :-)

Advice number 4: Take chances - in every part of life!
I'm not necessarily a risk-taker but I am outgoing. And I have taken risks with my career, with moving away from my entire family and with my friends. But now, I'm taking risks to be happy. If there is something you've always wanted to do - DO IT! If there is someone who you've been crushing on: TELL THEM! I'm not telling my last crush because I don't really crush on him anymore; of course, I'm not sure I'd say no if he asked me out. But I am determined to flirt with the best of them and to go out on a limb the next time I have feelings for someone. You just never know anymore if a guy likes you back; they're so passive these days. Of course, it someone you aren't interested in asks you out, don't be afraid to say no. Sometimes being nice truly backfires. You end up hurting someone more if you go out with them when you didn't want to in the first place. They get a glimmer of hope and latch on more so when you say you really aren't interested and never really were, it hurts them more. You may not feel great about saying no in the beginning because they're "a nice guy...," but you'll feel worse if you wait to say no. And there is something to say about attraction. It may not be a physical one but if there is an attraction to someone, explore it. Looks aren't everything; but let's face it, they do help.

Okay, well, I think I'm done for now. Dr. T, signing off. :-)


Post 103: Bowing Out?

Last Tuesday (meaning before I went on vacation), a friend of mine announced that she had entered the blogging world. It was very ironic for me because that very day I had decided to that I should probably leave the blogging world - for good. I have used this site as a way to eek out my frustrations, make comments about issues that the people I'm around at the time don't care anything about, and just general ravings. But I do get personal sometimes on this blog and that may not always be a good thing. I am a personal person; everything I do is personal, including the stories I write. A lot of times I don't finish them because they are so personal. I have so many unfinished stories that I could probably publish an entire book just on those. But none would have an ending and that would make people upset.

However, when I get personal on my blog - it backfires. And mainly because I was the wrong person in the situation. Even if I'm clearly not in the wrong, I always blame myself anyway. There is a lot of hurt there - on both ends - but it seems to always hurt me more. That's because I always keep it locked in. I think I have forgiven and forgotten but I really never do. I leave it hidden somewhere behind something and then when I screw up again, it peeks out to remind me that I've done this before and I should be ashamed that I didn't learn from my mistakes. And then it hides again but takes the new hurt with it so the next time I mess up, it feels even worse.

My blog has given me this headache a lot. I just can't not be personal with people. I have learned not to keep things inside and to ask the hard questions now - even if I know I won't like the answers.

For the first time in my life, I have real friends. Friends that do things for me and that I love to do things for. I was reminded of this by my dad of all people. I know he felt bad that he couldn't do anything for my big birthday but his statement was so stunning and convicting: "I'm just so happy that you have such good friends that they would do something like this for you." He doesn't know them and yet he seems to know them well. I don't have a lot of things in my life that I truly desire: a full-time job that satisfies me enough to get out of bed on time every morning, my own home, a man who loves me that I love back (that isn't related to me) and my own family (3 kids but one would do just fine). But I have something that everyone needs in every day of their lives: friends. So, I sent an e-card to most of them yesterday. I was surprised at some of the responses I received. A few people responded with a return e-mail that I didn't expect at all. It was nice. It made me feel that what I did really put some sort of smile on their face - and that thought warmed me.

You know, I'm reading a very good book right now that is hard for me to put down - dang you, Nicholas Sparks (I only hope to have someone feel the same about my books, if I ever get one published). I haven't been able to sleep much because I keep thinking about the characters - and I've been late to work. Anyway, the book has a lot to do with relationships. I can see myself in the guy character (Taylor), how he responds to falling in love. I can see myself with his reactions and how he pushes away this wonderful woman and mother. I can see how it's easy to push yourself away so you don't get hurt; when, in acuality, you're trying to actually hurt yourself because you don't think you're worth it. And then there are times that I can see myself in Denise. I understand her frustrations and her desire to keep her son from being hurt by a man that may not be able to commit to them both. Though I haven't finished the book yet (I'm on chapter 23), it doesn't matter what the ending is because I've learned so much already. I do, however, want to finish it and see what happens. Mr. Sparks is truly gifted with endings. Even if it's a little sad (A Walk to Remember), you still know that it was the best way to end it and did the story and its characters justice. At any rate, I've learned a little about myself from a work of fiction.

It's funny how God works sometimes in people. In me, I get it from what I write or read on paper. It's a way He's always used to communicate with me. And the beach. Bird Rock. 17 Mile Drive. Pacific Grove. California. But this is only my favorite place He speaks to me. He speaks to me a lot; I just sometimes choose not to listen - as we all do at some point.

So, after getting personal again, I'm kinda thinking that maybe this isn't my last blog. It could be. Maybe. I guess we'll have to see how I feel tomorrow. I've become one with my surroundings in one way: Like Indiana, if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes; it'll change. When I wake up tomorrow, I may be a different person than I am right now. I'm frustrating, exciting, mysterious and fun that way. Some guy is going to have a handful one day; but it'll be worth it because, as I'm finding, I'm worth it.


Post 102: Nasty, nasty storms

I guess you sometimes don't realize how bad a storm is until you drive to work the next day. I live a little outside of town and take a back route into work each morning (avoiding the main roads with high traffic). The storm itself was very quick; it was moving 60 miles an hour. But the high winds and lighting did plenty of damage even with the quickness of the storm. Once I got into town, I was amazed at what I saw down Rogers. There was this amazing yellow victorian home that I admired everymorning. It was big, too. Was - that's the problem. It's gone! A very large tree in the front yard is broken and laying into the front of the house. But that's not all. It looks as if the winds have taken apart the back of it, too. It's just a shell of itself; almost a pile of wood debri. I teared-up as I passed it. But that was just the beginning. There are several houses with trees decorating their roofs; well, what's left of their roofs and the front of their houses.

We didn't have any tornadoes; but when they said damaging winds, they weren't kidding!

I am so very happy that I'm going to CA for a week. After Friday's and yesterdays storms, I'm already ready for a break from our Spring. :-)