
Post 102: Nasty, nasty storms

I guess you sometimes don't realize how bad a storm is until you drive to work the next day. I live a little outside of town and take a back route into work each morning (avoiding the main roads with high traffic). The storm itself was very quick; it was moving 60 miles an hour. But the high winds and lighting did plenty of damage even with the quickness of the storm. Once I got into town, I was amazed at what I saw down Rogers. There was this amazing yellow victorian home that I admired everymorning. It was big, too. Was - that's the problem. It's gone! A very large tree in the front yard is broken and laying into the front of the house. But that's not all. It looks as if the winds have taken apart the back of it, too. It's just a shell of itself; almost a pile of wood debri. I teared-up as I passed it. But that was just the beginning. There are several houses with trees decorating their roofs; well, what's left of their roofs and the front of their houses.

We didn't have any tornadoes; but when they said damaging winds, they weren't kidding!

I am so very happy that I'm going to CA for a week. After Friday's and yesterdays storms, I'm already ready for a break from our Spring. :-)

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