
Post 159: The Good in People

If you have a moment, go to this site and read the article.


No matter where you are in life, this kid is doing something that anyone would be proud of. It's inspiring; and it's inspiring to see who all is helping him out. It gives you a sense of pride and people aren't so bad - sometimes.

In fact, earlier today I received our daily quote. I wanted to send it to all my friends but am trying to cut down on my e-mails - especially since I had to change my e-mail address due to excessive spamming. Here is what it says:

"Every person who enters your life is for a reason. Those whose lives you have touched and who have touched yours are always a part of who you are. It is the content of the encounter that is more important than its form." ~ Unknown author

How true is this? It is so true! Even those who have entered our life for short periods (whether it be because of moving, job changes or even termination of the friendship) help to make us who we are. We learn from everyone around us. We may not learn or follow what they do or who they are but we learn about others - outside of ourselves. We can learn how to be better people because of thier example; or who we shouldn't be because of thier example; or how we have to treat others differently. We are all different and getting to know those who differ from us is the only way we can truly touch people in a way that is good for all involved.

I've recently learned this experience with friends, family members and co-workers. Yes, God has been awful busy in my life. :-) But it's been all good. Right now, seriously, I can easily allow myself to have a mid-life crisis even though I'm not technically at my mid-life age. There are so many pressures put upon me financially, emotionally, spiritually and mentally that I could so easily just start acting crazy. But I don't - and you know why? Because I can see, at least a little, beyond myself and my problems. I can take the young man's situation from the article above and use it to help me see that my problems aren't so bad and that, in reality, I put myself in this position and it is up to me to get out of it. He did not put himself here; he is here because of extenuating circumstances - but he is really doing everything he can to make his life better for his little brother (and for himself). It is such a good lesson for anyone to learn.

And, though none of this is new - this lesson - I need a reminder every once in awhile on how things could be and how I have the power to change it. God has given me the power put one foot in front of the other. All I have to make sure is that I'm going the right way. And all I have to do is ask Him which way to take.

How simple is that? :-)

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