
The beginning of my first novel...

Adam was only six when it happened. That was 15 years ago. His parents never recovered and he was caught between them. The newspaper clipping read, “Wealthy six year old orphaned by suicide.” It couldn’t have been a sadder story; or easier for the media to feast on.


Michael sat and did as he was told but all the while he thought. He thought about her and who she was now. He just couldn’t put his finger on it. What was going on? Then he realized what he was eating was incredible. Stop thinking, Michael, he told himself. Just eat the delicious food from the lady and go to bed. Lady? Where did that come from, he thought. She’d never belonged in that category before…and he’s not sure he should put her there now…or at least, yet.


Okay, so these paragraphs need a lot of work...but they are two of about 13 that are started. The idea is there...just not all the details. But they are coming better now than they ever have. I just need to not be scared...and write whenever I'm inspired to even if it's the middle of the night, or beginning of the morning...like now. :-)

Okay, that's all you get. Back to it...then to bed when I'm too tired to write. :-)

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