
Sunday Revelations

Today, I was caught off guard and overwhelmed by God. There is a peace in me that I haven't felt in a long while. I also have not been genuinely emotional like this morning in some time. Before I knew it, I was teary-eyed and singing with a shaky voice because God touched my heart so that I couldn't contain such joy and relief! It was something that I needed so much...and it came in His time, I am most certain of it.

Three of the biggest questions I've been asking in the last six months or so were answered...within 20 minutes of each other! They are not important to list here but they all have one thing in common: they all have to do with my purpose and future. I have been so lost; the picture has been so unclear. And now, I feel like I belong and that there is stable ground under my feet again. Of course, there are details that need to be worked out...but I know without a doubt what I am supposed to do now and how I am supposed to accomplish it.

Everything that I've been learning in my solitude, prayer time, walking outside, personal Bible studies and my Tuesday night Bible study has been sewn together to create this tapestry of amazing beauty. It's not finished but the pieces are there for me to work with; to fit together; and to shape for the benefit of others around me. It is going to be a gorgeous work of art...but it isn't going to be by my hands. It's going to be God using my hands to sew so delicately into one piece.

I'm so excited...and sooo at peace now. It's such an awesome feeling.

Of course, not all the questions are answered; but I have no doubts and complete faith that those "little things" will be worked out by His crafty hands. No doubt. :-)

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