
I am thinking...

...about starting a second blog. The new one would be just for fun stories and poems that I come up with. It's funny but lately I've been thinking in "story terms." Okay, so that's my lingo...what it means is that somebody will talk about something or I'll be having a conversation or just see something funny and this story comes in my head about it. I know, kinda sounds a little strange but it's also kinda fun. I also feel so much more like myself when I'm being creative like that; and that includes when I am dancing, swimming, painting or just doing anything creative. I'm so much happier and feel so much more real when I'm in those moments. But I also lose them kinda quickly...so having a second blog just for creating stories I think would be so good for me. I'm not sure how much of it I would publish or if I should...but it's definitely a consideration.

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