
Red & Gold Forever!

I just found another sign that I was destined to always be a Niner fan. Taking a small break from work, I logged on to the San Francisco 49ers website and perused the current info. I found the sentence in the stadium facts section of the site:

The sod is technically known as "Tiffway II Bermuda", but in lay terms it is a hybrid of Bermuda with a Perennial Rye over-seed.

Tiffway...hmmm. Don't they mean Tiffany? :-) Yeah, I can rationalize just about anything that could possibly uphold my love of the Niners. :-)

Go Niners! We'll be back...and the word "dynasty" will then once again be uplifted to it's right full place: after San Fransico 49ers. :-)

Patriots who? Yeah, whatever.

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