

One last thing for tonight...I've been watching this new show called Castle while writing tonight. It's not the best show on TV but there is something about it that just draws me to it. No, it's not Nathan Fillion...though I have to say that he is very fine. I think what sparks my interest is the situation, the plot of the show. Since I was a little girl I've loved to figure things out...to watch a movie and try to figure out the end before it happens. And it's like that with Nathan's character in the show. He's a writer whose riding along with a detective, doing research but solving crimes and being a total part of the case. It's awesome! I kinda want to be him. It's really sparked something in me. It's just fun to watch and try to figure things out.

Anyway, I so want to write some more of my book right now but I can't keep my eyes open. I have barely slept for the last three nights and I'm not feeling well at all really. I am going to bed. Work comes at 8 a.m....but the alarm sounds at 6:30! :-(

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