
Okay, after I write this, I'm going to bed. Two funny (well, one is gross) happened today. First, we'll get the gross one out of the way. Litle Miss Felicia (my friend's cat that I'm sitting for) got diarrhea all in one of my overnight bags...yeah, was very gross. I ended up having to throw the bag away. And I hope Fifi is okay; I hope that I don't have to take her to the vet. I have to keep an eye on her.

The funny thing that happened is that I realized that I'm totally following my own blog! I was trying to follow someone else's and clicked on myself instead...so I'm following my own blog! Yeah, only I can pull off such a feat.

Okay, it's been a very busy and weird day...I'm going to bed and hoping that tomorrow is alittle better. Also, my new cousin Stephanie (she married my cousin Brian) is going to have a baby tomorrow! She went in this morning so we expect little Michael to be here anytime now!

1 comment:

Emily said...

i almost followed my own blog, too. it happens to the best of us :)