

I had a "My Bad" moment just now. On my facebook "status" I said that I was happy to not be planning my birthday party...well, that's true but I did have another offer...I just didn't think of it until just now! A friend of mine asked me at a previous birthday for a friend, what I wanted to do for my birthday. She could've seriously been asking so she could help with it. I guess that my head is still a little cloudy...however, my vacation really was awesome and cleared a lot of the cobwebs from my head! I wish I had more than one day at the beach but I had a great time with my family so I really can't complain. In just 7 days, it's hard to do all that I want to when I go to CA. There's always a lot of people to visit so it's kinda hard at times to do exactly what I want. But, I was able to do that this past week for a little bit and I'm better for it.

Anyway, the title of this blog is birthdays so let me get back to that...

I don't know why I'm so into birthdays...and mine in particular. I've tried really hard this year to not make mine so important...but I started to wonder today if anyone cared truly about it since no one was offering to plan it...well, they might have but I hadn't remembered until now (see "my bad" moment above). I hate that I can get so wound up about it when it's not so needed. I mean...I just got back from CA...why would I expect anyone to call me right away and ask about my birthday? I know...it sounds so selfish and vain and conceited. But, for some reason, I started to get upset that it seems everyone else's birthday was so important that a ton of people were present and I had six people only coming to mine. I know I shouldn't be that way...I know that...but when it comes to my birthday, I do get that way. Though I hate being that way and with the fact that I had just experienced a wonderful vacation, I still started to feel that my birthday wasn't as important as anyone elses. It's just a birthday for crying out loud! I need to give myself a good talking to for feeling that way even just a little bit. Goodness...there are people who can't even celebrate their birthdays! Why am I being so silly about it?!

At the end of all this, one thing really helped me to stop focusing on it...my mom called and said she was going to throw it and just to send an e-mail out to everyone I wanted to invite. That somehow gave me a lot of peace. Don't get me wrong, I love to plan birthdays and events for others, especially my friends. But when it comes to my birthday this year, I wanted someone else who loves me to plan it. And I think the right person is doing just that. She knows me the best of anyone. :-)


April said...

Oh, that sucks!! I usually feel the same way, that I go to the trouble to find the right gift and so on and the no one remembers mine, let alone does anything special.
And of course I would be happy to do what I can, if you want help or your mom does...just CALL me!!

Tiffany said...

Totally...I can't really blame anyone though because I threw my own last year and I tried so hard "not to be me" about my birthday that people thought I didn't want to celebrate it. But, if you really know me, you know that I haven't changed that much and wouldn't turn anyone away from planning my birthday.

BTW, chica, I was going to offer to plan yours if I didn't already know about your smores thing...however, I've cleared my schedule for that day so I will be your personal assistant as part of my gift to you that day (started to make the other one already). Just let me know what you need done and I'll do it. Remember, I'm an assistant by profession (for the time being, anyway). Are you still doing your game night?