
Post 144: A Better Outlook

So, leave it up to beautiful weather to change a persons viewpoint in life. I had a craving - yes, it was Arby's but I hope I didn't have one of those hat things on my head. That would've been embarrassing.

Anyway, I decided that I had to feed that craving so I went to Arby's for lunch. I was going to eat there but it was too crowded so I got my meal to go. Upon my meal being handed to me, I had the wonderful idea to go to the park. I realized that it wasn't so hot outside as it has been; in fact, there was a nice breeze. This was the perfect day to eat lunch outside. So I headed to the closest park and there I ate my lunch (all of it) and read the latest issue of Homes & Lifestyles magazine. All of a sudden, I felt like a totally different person. While I enjoyed the lovely outdoors, I mused that I probably needed to rant and rave a bit about my current situation. And though I have a better, healthier outlook on my future romantic endeavors, I still would like this little crush to go away - or be put to good use. But attempts on my own to squelch it (even with the help of friends) have not been successful. God HAS TO step in to stop it; and if He doesn't soon then I know there is a reason for it. Moving on...

I also seem to be super tired. The last week and a half has really taken a lot out of me - more so than I originally thought. After successfully leading my small group last night (it couldn't have turned out better), I felt pretty winded as I got ready for bed. I was so wound up that it was so hard to release and yet I couldn't stop releasing. Then a friend called and that actually helped me to relax and get out of "me" for a bit. But today I am still tired and actually thinking about passing my daily workout. However, after pasta for lunch and salami for dinner yesterday and Arby's for lunch today, I really, really need the exercise. Maybe the workout will refresh me enough to shop later. Yeah - don't laugh. I know that usually I don't need a reason or energy to go shopping but today I do. In fact, I don't want to go shopping. I want to go home and sleep (and write a poem). But I need to workout and I need to find a suit jacket for my interview Friday. So, well, I guess I need to stock up on the caffeine. :-)

Y'all know that I'm a movie person. Well, I've known that there is going to be a sequel to Batman Begins but I just found out who the villain is going to be played by. I'm not necessarily a huge fan of Heath's but I think he will be more than adequate in the role of the Joker. Really, I think it's good casting as the nemesis of Christian Bale's character. I really can't wait for the new movie but it won't be out until at least 2008 so I'll just have to.

Today is getting better. Of course, work is almost over so that always helps. But I have a better outlook and I needed it. And how cool is it that it only took spending 30 minutes in the outdoors? So nice.

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