Do you think that maybe this quote was meant for me?
You say you're ready for the challenge, but in the back of your mind you have serious, nagging doubts. There's a little voice that keeps popping up, reminding you of your self-imposed limitations. You may be able to convince the rest of the world, but if you cannot win over the little voice in the back of your mind, it will stop you cold. The way to assuage that little voice is by sheer will and repetition. Every time it says "no you can't" you must immediately tell it "yes I can!" You allowed that little voice to take hold, and you have the power to change it. In the past, you've told yourself or been told you can't do it so many times that your doubt has taken on a life of its own. Now you must give life to your confidence. Know you can do it. Tell yourself, over and over again, that you can do it. With enough repetition, you'll begin to truly believe it and the doubt will surely fade. Change the cruel, whining voice of doubt to a resounding chorus of confidence. Copyright Ralph S. Marston, Jr. Used by permission.
Huh...this is pretty much me in a nutshell. I can so easily self-depricate myself until I believe, completely, that I can't do it - anything. Not just jobs or writing or dancing or whatever I've done - but even in relationships. Though I know I have the ability to have one, I talk myself out of them. Of course, it helps if the other party is interested, too, but I'm learning that men are the same as us women: insecure. And I'm beginning to see that they are MORE insecure than most of us - especially the older ones. They've had too many bad experiences to take risks anymore. Here is my reslove for this area of my life:
Old habits die hard but aren't habits SUPPOSED TO die? I think so.
On another note, I found the perfect suit jacket today for my interviews - and it only cost me $30! Hooray for Target! It not only fits perfectly but it's actually stylish. I can wear it with skirts, slacks and even jeans. I cannot wait to dress up for my interview tomorrow! I'm even more excited about it now that I have the appropriate attire. Boy, I am such a girl - and I like it. :-)
Work is slow again today. I have some filing to do but that's it. My ads are done and the weekend is looking pretty good. I should have all my ads in by Noon tomorrow. I like it when that happens because I'm not leaving any work for the other coordinators. They don't have to finish my job so that makes me feel a lot better. But I do get to go home after I go to the Y instead of spending more time out and about (since I already have what I need: my jacket!). I'm really, really tired still so I'll have some time to relax tonight and get some good rest. :-)
Oh, and though I was a bad girl and missed all three of my deadlines for writing contests on Monday - I found three that are better. One is this weekend. All I have to do is format my first chapter and send it off; that's it. And the poem I was supposed to send in Monday will work better for this other contest (August 10). So, I feel much better about missing the other contests. Now - as long as I can find that chapter, I'll be smooth sailing - at least, for now. :-)
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