
Post 131: Me: the Klutz

Um...so I jinxed myself further with the blog I just submitted about an hour ago. I'm now sitting at my desk with a hurt foot and the knowledge that until I leave for the day, I should NOT get back up from my desk (I'm not wondering if I shouldn't even go to the bathroom - I might just trip and hurt myself more).

And how it happened, well, it's too stupid. I had just finished carrying the unused and extremely heavy aforementioned rental guide boxes back to my desk, when I realized that I had left my card to get back into the building in my car. Having already reached the building door, I had to turn around and walk all the way back to my car which is in the very back of the parking lot. As I turned around, somehow my left foot didn't get the message - or rather it didn't get the whole message and moved errantly - because the next thing I knew I was WALKING on my little toe - FACE DOWN! Yeah, I can't figure it out either; how does that happen? It hurt. A lot. But I've learned that when you hurt yourself like that, you walk it off. Well, it didn't really work this time. I'm sitting with my foot not touching the floor (they really never do because it feels weird to me; I usually have my chair high enough that I can only touch the legs of it, not the floor) and it still hurts an hour later. I really hope I didn't do anything bad to it. I so don't want to go to the hospital. All I know right now is that I can't put my shoes back on still. Not a good sign.

Well, after I got back to my car, couldn't find my card. Then, like in the movies, it dawns on me that I may have just thrown it in the garbage. Hurt foot and all, I walk back towards the door and peek into the garbage - there it was - at the bottom. Did I tell you that I'm in a cute white dress with pink flowers on it? Yeah, so now I have to reach to the bottom of a germ-infested garbage can and get my card wearing white and with a hurt foot. Before you think it - yes, I could've asked the environmental services crew to do it for me but I live in the age after women's rights. I've learned that I have to do some things for myself and this is one of those things. But, to be honest with you, I hope to find a man one day that is a gentleman and doesn't allow me to do certain things unless I really want to (and this, well, I didn't really want to do this). So I was able to retrieve the card but had to lean on the can and stand on my tip toes - well, on the tip toes of my right foot as my left foot was up in the air with no weight on it. The only thing that would've made it funnier is if I fell head first into the garbage can with my legs flailing in the air and my dress over my head so you can see my ....... underwear (I'm not telling you what they look like; a man might be reading this). But thank goodness this is real life and not a cartoon - though, sometimes my life does resemble a cartoon.

Now, here I was now walking with a limp, my hands outstretched from my body with the fingers spread so as not to contaminate myself further and my germ-ridden card held between the tips of my forefinger and thumb of my right hand - which is kind of stupid because my hands are already contaminated. What disease is my dirty card going to add to my hands that they already don't have on them? Then another thought occurred to me. Where are my car keys? I look around again. Where are my car keys? Panic starts to invade as I hear a jingling. Oh, yeah - they're in my other hand. Idiot. Anyway, once I'm in the building (it's taken 10 minutes to park my car, find my card and and get back to my desk - it usually takes about 1 minute), I head straight for the bathroom to wash off what I can of the germs. I washed from my elbows to under my fingernails and I disinfected my card. When I got back to my desk, I put a large dab of hand sanitizer on my hands and worked it in to my elbows.

However, it is now lunchtime. Do I dare get up from my desk? Or do I stay glued to it until 5 p.m. and eat sugar cookies, brownies and hershey kisses for lunch - like I did for breakfast this morning? :-) We have a birthday a week here - no joke. There is always food.

By the way, my foot still hurts and my little toe is swollen. But at least today was interesting - I just hope it doesn't get more interesting unless it's in a good way. :-)

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