
Post 137: Zombie but no Zombie dreams...

So I didn't sleep last night but it wasn't because of nightmares. Instead, we had pop-up thunderstorms at 12:30 a.m. last night (and 3 a.m.). My nocturnal deprivation was further progressed because of them, not my over-active imagination. But the Good Lord provided me with a way to at least not have any nightmares or be too scared of the storm: our little Yorkshire Terrier, Buster Brown. Yes, he is also afraid of storms and since I live in the basement apartment, he ends up being my bedmate some nights (you can't hear the storm as loud in my apartment). So I had this little ball of long fur sleeping next to me last night. (he likes to cuddle right next to you; especially if you are sleeping on your side and your legs are bent - he rolls into a little ball and tucks himself into the crease behind your knees). It was comforting. He's such a dear little dog. We've had Yorkies before but they were so high-strung and high-pitched. Buster is a gentle little soul; so attentive and playful and adorable. Though I am so, so tired today, I know my little companion last night was sent to me so I didn't have any more nightmares. I did have a weird dream but it wasn't even close to a nightmare. Such a plus. :-)

Thanks goodness all I have to do today is work 4 hours, get my hair done and go home. I wouldn't mind hanging out with a few friends but all my girlfriends are busy or leaving on vacation and my guy friends, well, we only hang out if I've invited them to a movie or over for a poker party. I haven't done that so it's pretty impossible that we'll get together either; they are not ones to initiate much themselves.

Hmmm....I guess that means I have time to write, huh? :-)

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