
Post 133: To be or not to be...

...that is NOT the question for me. Otherwise, I'd drive myself insane trying to figure it out. But, since I'm already in the looney bin, I guess it wouldn't be a far drive. :-)

Today, my toe really hurts. I'm wearing open-toed, slip on shoes but I still find that I have to walk on the inside of my left foot, creating a slight limp. Going upstairs doesn't hurt so much but going downstairs - well, I almost would rather hop down them on one leg instead of trying to manuever. I think that they should study me - researchers on clumsiness, I mean. I think I'm their perfect test subject. I can excuse my knack for tripping-when-there-isn't-anything-to-trip-over on my seizure disorder as a child - but it's much funnier to just say that I'm a little off at times. Still, if there is a man out there that likes slapstick - I'm the girl for him. He wouldn't have to rent The Three Stooges movies - all he'd need to do is make some popcorn and follow me around during the day. I'm sure he'd get his fill of slapstick comedy within the first 30 minutes of me getting out of bed. :-)

Today has been a real interesting day at work. I didn't have my computer for much of it - which made me realize that my entire job has to do with this computer. I could do nothing while it was down. It sucked at first - but I'm a closet opportunist. I quickly realized I had an excuse not to work and started to write some fun poetry and stories. It was a nice break to my day. I didn't get much done on my stories but I got some great ideas for a friend's birthday present. It will be creative and I know she won't get this from anyone else. So I'm kind of really excited and so want to focus on it right now but I'm writing this blog instead. Hmmm...either way, I'm being bad at work. I think a friend of mine has rubbed off on me this week. His boss was gone last week and he revealed to me that he was kind of slacking off at work while he was gone. With his boss gone, I'm sure that there really wasn't much for him to do since I think his job relies upon his boss' needs. But this is a guy that I'm pretty sure is a hard and detailed worker - so it was a little surprising that he was being a slacker. If he can sometimes relax at his job, then I can, too. Of course, I will use any excuse to get out of working. It's not that I'm not a good worker; I am. I can be a very, very hard worker but you also have to have balance or else you aren't as effective for your employers. Though I've been to CA twice this year - it has been for ecstenuating circumstances and not for vacation. I know that I've felt this way before; the last time I felt this way, I was overdue for a vacation (and everyone around me knew it). But with no money for a plane ticket or a job that will allow me to be gone and me not be in financial ruin, I don't have a choice but to stick around. I can only dream about being on a beach somewhere. I just need to hear the ocean, walk on the beach and be at peace for a few days. Then I'll be recharged and ready for work again.

Oh, well. My timing is off. I'll just have be content with where I'm at until an opportunity presents itself - hopefully, that opportunity is just around the corner. :-) And wouldn't it be great if it was with a guy that I'm dating? Where are you, Mr. Dreamboat? Come find me...on the beach. :-)

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